Je me trouve pas mal chanceuse, j'ai toujours hésité de soumissionner, mais là c'est vraiment encourageant: 3 soumissions à vie et 3 publications c'est vraiment plaisant!!! Ça me donne envi de continuer! Merci SE!!!
Oh et, la page couverture n'est-elle pas magnifique? Ça vaut la peine de le feuilleter d'une couverture à l'autre! Allez chercher le vôtre!

Just a little note to let you know that I have a Christmas card and tag in the current Scrapbook Extra magazine.
I think I'm a lucky girl, I always have hesitation about submitting my work to mag, but 3 submissions and all 3 have been published, its what I call being lucky!
Thanks SE!!!
Oh and did you take a closer look to the front page? This creation is gorgeous!
Go and buy yourself a copy, you won't be disappointed!